ARCH 274 - Representation
Type: Exhibition
School: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professor: David Emmons and Andrea L Melgarejo De Berry
Studio: ARCH 274 - Representation
Role: Teaching Assistant
Venue: Temple Buell Art Gallery (TBAG), Architecture Building
Year: Spring 2019
An exhibition of student drawings and models from the course ARCH 274: Representation, Spring 2019.
This course was intended for students to develop an understanding of the representation of ideas, values, and meaning in the built environment. We focused on three topic areas: analysis, technical communication and modeling.
As a teaching assistant I advised and critiqued 25 students on design, coordinated in class lab assignments, helped students better understand fundamental design strategies and concepts, taught multiple software and graded assignments. The studio gave me the opportunity to refresh my fundamentals and enjoy the creative process.